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How to pass CISA at first attempt

This is a difficult task for me because I have done the exam a few years ago, 2015 to be exact. I was in KPMG and doing IT audit. In fact, I was supposed to pursue CPA instead at that time but I did not because I failed the conversion program which made me ineligible. I need something to substitute so I will not be isolated. Haha, that is the reason why I pick up CISA.

To be honest, this is not a good attitude to start the study. However, I still completed and passed the exam and that means the exam is not as difficult as you imagine at all. Here I will share my experience in paying minimal effort to pass the exam. My score is 458 and the passing score is 450. Lucky! Let's see how I did that.

1. Classroom training/Text Books

None. I never joined a training but I know quite a lot available out there in the market. Price is ranging from a few thousands to ten thousands. Personally, I think classroom training is meaningless for exam because it has to go through the syllabus which will probably make you confuse. Especially when CISA is not a very technical focused. Of course, if you like regular class for revision, having a classroom training is a good choice.

For text book, I did not read any pages. Just like other certificates, text book is thick and heavy like a dictionary. Unless you love reading complicated passages, do not try to finish the book or set a target to finish the book. Use it as a reference whenever you need additional details on the concepts. That is good enough.

2. Practice paper

Practice is always the most important part for preparing exam. I would suggest you to buy the practice paper from taobao which only cost around 40 RMB. Some may include complete audio training and ppt summary. Nice price and that is all you need.

3. Notes

You need to prepare your own notes. Especially when you finished the practice paper and reviewing the questions, write down the key concepts and new terms. Memorize the special terms and definitions of the keywords. The good thing of this exam is you can easily classify the questions into different categories, then you know the approach to select the answer. There are 200 multiple-choice in four hours, so time management is essential and do not hesitate to move on in the real exam. Just skip it and come back later.

Overall, CISA is a certificate specifically for system auditor which you may not need it unless you want to jump into the field or you are already in the field. I never touch IT audit after leaving KPMG so this 5000HKD (exam fee+membership+practice paper) is a total loss to me. Anyway, although this certificate is useless to me now, I passed the exam with minimal effort and cost which still can be a reference case for those who is struggling to take the exam. Good luck!

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